Brenda Malloy

Brenda Malloy's Fundraiser

Please help our neighbors in need with this virtual food drive image

Please help our neighbors in need with this virtual food drive

You're donation makes a difference in someone's day!


Join me in a Virtual Food Drive to keep our neighbors, friends and community healthy and safe

This is a challenging time for every single one of us, that is for sure. But for those of us who have a few extra beans in the jar, who know that we have sufficient food not only for today but tomorrow as well, imagine what it may be like for folks who do not have food security And couple that with insecurity to buy other necessary items including rent, clothing, shoes, and it makes us realize how fortunate we are to help those with food and meals that need it most. Please give generously, this matters.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for The Open Door/Cape Ann Food Pantry, Inc.