Building Healthy Communities for Tomorrow
We’ve outgrown our current facility, and with more space and the strategic reconfiguration of our building, we will be able to provide good food to more people, expand programs for nutrition education, and streamline our operation.
We are raising $3.5M to build a state-of-the-art production kitchen and increase our capacity to serve our community.
Food insecurity remains a concern for our community only exacerbated by the pandemic and its economic ramifications. In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, we experienced a 27% increase in requests for food assistance.
We are more than halfway to our goal! Will you help us close the gap with a contribution today?
In 2021, The Open Door helped stabilize the lives and health of 8,516 people from 4,176 households through the distribution of 1.83 million pounds of food. Our clients represent 1 in 6 of Gloucester’s population plus neighbors in need from Rockport, Manchester-By-The-Sea, Essex, Ipswich, Rowley, Topsfield, Boxford, Hamilton, and Wenham.
Contact us if you would like to learn more!